Poster (2)

Poster alternative

Comparing ORTY vs. Poster? Choose a software alternative to Poster POS that suits your type of business the most and offers the best opportunity to grow and develop.

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Poster (4)

Which Poster features do we provide?

Being one of the Poster competitors, we do our best to improve your experience with the product. Our solution has powerful features which Poster setup lacks. We embrace innovation for you to accomplish the most ambitious dreams:

1. By having an account in Poster you would not receive many outstanding functions like Assembly Display, Curbside pickup, or Customer Relation System, all of which would exponentially help you retain clients and personalize their experience.

2. We allow you to accept various kinds of payment, whether you’re selling in person or online.

3. We have a multifunctional inventory module that is more customizable than the Poster one. With our product, you can easily set the storages and flexibly link them to shops, see the current stock online on your mobile phone, and track the COGS dynamics data.

4. Receive a flexible and customizable product with far more functions than the Poster for windows version or their app could ever offer. Manage your team, receive a fresh scope of analytics, and fraud monitoring in real-time.

5. With a Poster printer, you just get a simple receipt, in ORTY we turn that into a marketing opportunity. Print your logo, write a comment and communicate with the client through a check, create the perfect check by adding or excluding any information you wish.

6. Clicking on the JoinPoster button you receive just another account, in ORTY you become part of a big friendly family, where you get the guidance, support, and care 24/7.

Why choose ORTY for your business instead of Poster?


  • Poster (6)

    Cloud POS service with mobile application

  • Poster (8)

    Introduce new ways of communication adjusting vouchers, gift cards, and loyalty programs

  • Poster (10)

    Categorize your clients and push the analytics further by building cohorts

  • Poster (12)

    Built-in unique bonus and cashback programs

  • Poster (14)

    Set and use multiple delivery options including curbside pickup

  • Poster (16)

    Manage customer relations inside the CRM system

  • Poster (18)

    Get own ready-to-use website and app

  • Poster (20)

    Be up-to-date by adding and configuring your own chatbot

  • Poster (22)

    Track real-time data using reports and dashboards

  • Poster (24)

    Constant fraud and suspicious actions monitoring


  • Poster (26)

    Cloud POS service with mobile application

  • Poster (28)

    Introduce new ways of communication adjusting vouchers, gift cards, and loyalty programs

  • Poster (30)

    Categorize your clients and push the analytics further by building cohorts

  • Poster (32)

    Built-in unique bonus and cashback programs

  • Poster (34)

    Set and use multiple delivery options including curbside pickup

  • Poster (36)

    Manage customer relations inside the CRM system

  • Poster (38)

    Get own ready-to-use website and app

  • Poster (40)

    Be up-to-date by adding and configuring your own chatbot

  • Poster (42)

    Track real-time data using reports and dashboards

  • Poster (44)

    Constant fraud and suspicious actions monitoring